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Curriculum Overview

The 7 areas of learning

In the Early Years Foundation Stage we work on seven area of learning:

- Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

- Communication and Language 

- Physical Development

- Literacy

- Mathematics

- Understanding of the World

- Exploring Media and Materials 

We develop these areas through adult-led teaching and child-initiated activities (free flow choosing time). 

The Characteristics of Active Learning

Children play and interact with others and their environment through the Characteristics of Active Learning. 

These are:

1) Playing and Exploring:

Children find out and explore -they are curious and share their interests. 

They play with what they know - perhaps by taking on a role in their play. 

They are willing to have a go - they initiate activities and seek challenges

2) Active Learning:

By being involved and concentrating - they show high levels of interest. 

Children keep on trying - they persist when the activity gets challenging.

They enjoy and achieve what they set out to do - they show satisfaction in meeting their goals.

3) Creating and Thinking critically 

Children have their own ideas - They find ways to solve problems. 

They make links - They predict, test and notice patterns. 

They choose their own way to do things - They plan and change their strategy if needed when solving a problem.