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Collective Worship

And now we have these three: faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

As a Church of England Primary School, Collective Worship is an integral part of every day in school for all staff and children. It is a time when the whole school comes together to learn, listen, reflect and pray.

The main focus of our worships are the three values which form the fundamental ethos of our school. The definitions of these values were written collectively by staff and children at Belgrave.

  • Love: At Belgrave, we show love by looking out for one another and sharing out love!  We can help and take care of one another and make sure everyone in our school family is loved and cared for. We value our friends and family at Belgrave and beyond, demonstrating kindness for all.

  • Faith: At Belgrave, we know that having faith is important- whether that be a Christian faith, Muslim Faith, Sikh faith, Hindu faith or no faith. We show our faith by being considerate of others’ feelings, telling the truth and being true to yourself. We also have faith in ourselves and each other!

  • Hope: When things are not going well, we know that at Belgrave we can have hope: hope for ourselves, each other and the wider world. We pray for others and support each other. We support charities through our value of hope- helping others and being kind.

Many significant and important events and celebrations, including those from other religions are also included in the schedule. These are decided by our Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Ng-Bell, alongside the Ethos Council and other members of staff.

Every worship includes music and song both as a time for reflection and listening, and through raising voices in praise. We have close links with Trinity Church and Alex comes to lead worship with us, also running Messy Church and Forest Church in our school.

Each week follows a similar routine:



Whole School Worship (N-6) – Looking at our expectations focus and value. Here we set our intentions for the week ahead, breathe together and wish each other well.


Whole School Worship Inclass (R-6) – focusing on our school value for the half term, a related Bible story or a significant festival or event.


Wild Worship Wednesday/Singing Worship – We timetable two classes per week to use this time for ‘Wild Worship’. The rest of the school comes together for singing worship.


Whole School Worship (R-6) – Send the Light. This focuses on current issues/news, sending prayers to those in need around the world. A different class lead this session each week alongside their teacher.


Celebration Worship (N-6) – Here we reflect on our intentions for the week, the prayers we made and the successes we have had. Awards are given and celebrated and we all sing together.


Autumn 1st 

Autumn 2nd

Spring 1st

Spring 2nd

Summer 1st

Summer 2nd







Bible story of “The Prodigal Son”

(Luke 15: 11-32)


Bible story of “The Good Samaritan”

 (Luke 10: 25-37)

Bible story of “Daniel and the Lion”

(Daniel 6: 1-28)

Bible story of “Jesus Calms the Storm”

(Mark 4:35-41)

Bible story of Moses parting the Sea

(Exodus 14)


Bible story of “The Parable of the Lost Sheep” (Luke 15:1-7)