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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium & Ever 6

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG), is additional funding given to the school based upon identified need and according to a number of deprivation measures.

PPG is currently allocated to pupils in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) or those children whom had this entitlement within the last 6 years (Ever 6). It is also allocated to those children 'Currently Looked After' (CLA).

Numbers and entitlement can vary as the year and cohort changes. 

As a school we have a huge commitment to delivering an 'inclusive', diverse and enriched curriculum to all pupils, regardless of gender, race, religion, ability or social need, and for them to be supported by well-trained and dedicated staff.

As a result, much of the PPG grant goes towards achieving this goal.

Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.