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Welcome to our Nursery Class Family

Here you can keep up to date with the information regarding Nursery.

Contact Information

Your class teacher is Mrs Howkins

You can contact us by email on

Start Time - 8.45am 

Finish Time - 11.40am

PE Days


Nursery Learning 

Nursery Curriculum Information - Me and my world – Autumn 1 – September 2024

Our topic in the Autumn term will be based upon ‘Me and my world’ and ‘Festivals and Celebrations’. We are excited to see where our learning leads us this term, whilst getting to know our new nursery class. We will keep you updated on tapestry.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

• Settling in to nursery routines 

• Getting to know each other and who at school can help me.

• Talking about what makes me special? Who is special to me?

• Talk about who is in my family.

• To develop by making friendships with other children.

Physical Development

• Learning toilet routines.

 •Fine motor development

• Climbing onto different level surfaces

• Large ball handling skills

• Balancing

Communication & Language:

Developing conversations with adults and peers to develop relationships.

• Following instructions

• Listening to others.

• Talking about our emotions.

Understanding the World: 

• People who help us in school

Looking at different people in my family

• Observing Autumnal changes

• Joining in with celebrations – Harvest  

• Developing an understanding of different faiths


I will be modelling everyday mathematical language during our continuous provision.

We will be looking at -

Numbers and amounts.
Taking part in finger rhymes
Sorting objects into groups


Here are some of the books we will be looking at this half-term.

What do I look like?
Thank you for being my friend
From head to toe
Be you