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Within Religious Education (RE) lessons at Belgrave St Peter’s, we aim to explore and understand the principles of major world religions, as well as the views of those who follow a humanist way of thinking. We do this through the lens of our deeply rooted Christian values of faith, love and hope.  

RE explores big questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. We encourage pupils to reflect on their own beliefs, ideas and ways of living. We explore challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. Our curriculum for RE is structured through the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus alongside the Understanding Christianity scheme of work. We continue to build strong connections with Holy Trinity Church, as well as visiting other local religious communities so that our children can see how beliefs are lived out in everyday life. 

Children learn to explore worldviews in a safe space where they can develop their understanding, be curious and ask big questions. We teach them to express themselves and their beliefs, agreeing or disagreeing with others in a respectful manner.